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Gaze is a channel.

We screen one new playlist on our home page at the beginning of each month. Each playlist involves a series of short films by emerging video creators that revolve around a shared idea, concept, emotion, or theme. Our playlists are a destination for inspiration, curated by a team of young video creators. 

Gaze is a collective.

We are a people-powered project bringing together emerging video creators on our platform. Building a community of passionate storytellers, we believe in the power and future of video. Stay connected through our journal and social media! We are looking to collaborate with emerging video creators worldwide. Interested? Shoot us a DM or email us here.  

Gaze is a celebration.

Of the things that inspire and move us. Of our perspectives on the world. Of breaking rules and conventions. Of the magic of video — its art, impact, and elegant ability to touch. Of the creative process. Of our unique voices. Of the new ones, too.

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Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

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Our feed

We release a new prompt on the 1st and 16th of each calendar month and accept submissions up until, respectively, the 10th and 25th of the month. We will feature up to 20 (1- to 300-second) videos over the course of the two weeks. We are looking for unique and meaningful gazes. Anyone, anywhere in the world, is welcome to be a part of Gaze.

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On the daily, we are overstimulated by the empty content we see online, leaving little to no space for inspiration — and in its place, mindless entertainment. Creating and existing digitally feels suffocating. Instead of finding poetry and intimacy online, we are constantly chasing algorithms and trends that often leave us with a ‘post-scroll ick.’

Gaze is the glitch in the system — a people-powered project that changes the way we create and consume video content on the internet. It is a safe, online ecosystem where a visual, audible, or textual prompt is posed at the beginning of every second week, inviting video creators of all experiences to produce a work (between 1 and 300 seconds) on its basis. Handpicked, the submitted work will be featured on the website feed, joining the videos of other creators who were inspired by this shared source of inspiration. The curated selection of videos refresh itself every two weeks as a new prompt is put in place.

Community and curiosity lie at the heart of Gaze. Not only will the video creator be empowered to habitually practice their creativity and craft, but they will also discover a community of other storytellers. Gaze is about creating slower, more timeless content. The inception of algorithms tends to rob us of a curious experience — and as a result, creativity. Creativity is as much about problem solving as it is about perceiving the world as your own, and finding ways to express your ideas.